Tuesday, March 29, 2005

An old article...

From TheOneRing.net scrapbook...just a mini-bio and announcement of his appearance at the Waipawa Library.

And a few photos from the Castle Software Australia site...WETA Workshops with Daniel and Mike Grealish..

Friday, March 18, 2005

Deciper.com on the Making of WETA "book cards"

Daniel's concept art displayed in this article. Always at how artists can just come up with this stuff inside their heads. What's more impressive is that they can get their hands to create what their head is telling them. My abilities in this area are seriously flawed (example #1, example #2), so I appreciate when I see it done so (seemingly) effortlessly.

Monday, March 14, 2005

An interview with Daniel Falconer

Pretty good interview at J.W.'s LoTR Fan site.

Interviewer: ...But it's important to you guys that all the fans are treated well, isn't it, Daniel? It's as if Peter Jackson and Richard not only want the fans to be proud of the films, but proud of the people who made them as well.

Daniel: That is true. With the privilege of making these films has also come the responsibility to do so with great reverence and respect for the property. That also extends to the fans. It's an arrogant person who treats a fan with disrespect. The fans are the reasons we all have jobs. If they hadn't embraced us and our work with the spirit they have, we wouldn't be doing this. Also, I consider myself in the unique position of being both fan and professional myself, so these people are folks I can relate to. I have a lot in common with many of the fans and really enjoy talking with them about how this project has changed our lives...

Aaah...he's a geek, too!

JW: Did you have people coming up to you and asking for clarification or for help understanding parts of the story?

Daniel: All the time. I actually ended up becoming one of the "go-to" guys for Tolkien knowledge. I remember with great fondness the day we were all in the Weta cinema watching rushes (the results of the day's shooting) and a debate was being had between some of the department heads as to some creative issue. Peter Jackson called out in the dark room, asking if I was there. He wanted to know what Tolkien had to say about it and thought I was the man to know the answer. That was a very proud moment for me, and one that made all those years of being a nerd at school worthwhile. At last that knowledge gleaned inside with my head in a book while others were out playing sport had born fruit in the end!

Friday, March 11, 2005

Happy Birthday Daniel!

Happy Birthday, Daniel Falconer!!
Daniel is turning 30 this weekend!
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