World Photo Day
Not anything to do with Daniel Falconer, but I thought I'd share a cool project that I participated in today.
It's called "World Photo Day" and here's the deal:
project date: june 01, 2005
subject: people, everyday life
time frame: just 24 hours
objective: to explore humanity through the art of photography
participation: open to all photographers
my hope is: that we all gain a greater, more positive insight into the circumstances that dictate our daily livesthe difficulties, the triumphs, the beauty, the pain, the good and the bad, all of it in just one 24-hour period.
My photo is listed under "carolynVB" and it's lame compared to a lot of the other photos on that site, but that's not the point, I guess. The shot I took of the people enjoying the day at the river could be taken anywhere...and was (with much better photographic in Portugal, in upstate NY...a few other places. We're the same, is the point. We love our kids, we go to work, we suffer, we love beauty, we laugh. I'm here, you're there, but that's just about the only difference...geography.
Had fun getting out there capturing today. Here's a slideshow of today round here...
Go. Click their site. Enjoy seeing the World Today.
It's called "World Photo Day" and here's the deal:
project date: june 01, 2005
subject: people, everyday life
time frame: just 24 hours
objective: to explore humanity through the art of photography
participation: open to all photographers
my hope is: that we all gain a greater, more positive insight into the circumstances that dictate our daily livesthe difficulties, the triumphs, the beauty, the pain, the good and the bad, all of it in just one 24-hour period.
My photo is listed under "carolynVB" and it's lame compared to a lot of the other photos on that site, but that's not the point, I guess. The shot I took of the people enjoying the day at the river could be taken anywhere...and was (with much better photographic in Portugal, in upstate NY...a few other places. We're the same, is the point. We love our kids, we go to work, we suffer, we love beauty, we laugh. I'm here, you're there, but that's just about the only difference...geography.
Had fun getting out there capturing today. Here's a slideshow of today round here...
Go. Click their site. Enjoy seeing the World Today.

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